As the old saying goes “How do you make god laugh? Tell them your plans.” It’s been almost 5 years since I started this version of the blog and as you can see I didn’t end up updating it much, while I was away from Capsule8.

And what an adventure it’s been. Since I last wrote the following has happened:

  • I got a job at Google
  • The pandemic happened
  • My kids have grown up considerably (They’re great!)
  • I learned to ski again and got to ski with my daughter!
  • Bought a house
  • Capsule8 sold to Sophos
  • Presented at SummerC0n, RECon, and Objective by the Sea
  • Traveled to Australia and Europe
  • I led Google Santa and Security Agent development at Google.
  • I’ve started a new startup (more details soon, if I actually write :-P)